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C# 处理AutoCAD事件

已有 3861 次阅读2007-7-31 15:36 |系统分类:开发

今日没事!翻译AutoCAD .NET API 培训文件玩玩!


内容是AutoCAD .NET API 培训文件的第七章

另外:在AutoCAD .NET API 的文件包里有对应的全部工程代码

Lab 7 – Handling Events in AutoCAD
In this lab, we explore Events in AutoCAD.  We will discuss the use of event handlers; specifically, to monitor AutoCAD commands as well as monitor objects which are about to be modified by those commands.  We begin with a brief discussion of events in .NET, before proceeding to demonstrate how to implement AutoCAD event handlers in C#.
在这一章,我们分析AutoCAD里的事件,我们将讨论如何使用事件处理,特别是监视AutoCAD命令如监视对象如何被AutoCAD命令修改,在开始说明如何引入AutoCAD事件处理之前, 我们先概略的讨论.Net事件.
Events in C#
An event is simply a message sent to notify that an action has taken place.  In ObjectARX, we refer to reactors to model AutoCAD events.  In the AutoCAD .NET API, the ObjectARX reactors are mapped to events.
一个事件是一个简单的信息提示说有个动作发生了,在ObjectARX,我们参考反应器构建AutoCAD事件,在AutoCAD .NET程序接口, ObjectARX封装到事件里
Event handlers (or callbacks) are procedures which are placed in environment to watch and react to events that occur in the application. Events come in a variety of types.
As an introduction to working with events in AutoCAD's .NET API, a brief description of delegates may be helpful.
作为应用AutoCAD's .NET API事件的入门,简单的介绍委托或许会有帮助
Delegates Described
A delegate is a class that holds a reference to a method (the functionality is similar to function pointers). Delegates are type-safe references to methods (similar to function pointers in C).  They have a specific signature and return type.  A delegate can encapsulate any method which matches the specific signature.
Delegates have several uses, one of which is acting as a dispatcher for a class that raises an event.  Events are first-class objects in the .NET environment.  Even though C# hides much of the implementation detail, events are implemented with delegates.  Event delegates are multicast (meaning they hold references to more than one event handling method).  They maintain a list of registered event handlers for the event.  A typical event-handling delegate has a signature like the following:
 public delegate Event (Object sender, EventArgs e)
The first argument, sender, represents the object that raises the event.
The second, e, is an EventArgs object (or a class derived from such).  This object generally contains data that would be of use to the events handler.
C# += and -= statements
In order to use an event handler, we must associate it with an event.  This is done by using either the += statement.  += and its counterpart -=, allow you to connect, disconnect, or change handlers associated with the event at run time.
When we use the += statement, we specify the name of the event sender, and we specify the name of our event handler with the new statement; for example:
MyClass1.AnEvent += new  HandlerDelegate(EHandler)

As mentioned, we use the -= statement to disconnect an event from an event handler (remove the association).  The syntax is as follows:
MyClass1.AnEvent -= new  HandlerDelegate(EHandler)
Handling AutoCAD Events in .NET
AutoCAD  .NET的事件处理
In ObjectARX, we refer to reactors to model AutoCAD events.  In the AutoCAD .NET API, the ObjectARX reactors are mapped to events.   
在ObjectARX,我们参考反应器去构建AutoCAD事件,在AutoCAD .NET API, ObjectARX反应器都封装成事件
In general, the steps for dealing with AutoCAD events are:
一般地, AutoCAD事件使用如下:
1. Create the event handler.
An event handler (or callback) is the procedure to be called when an event is raised (triggered).  Any action we wish to take, in response to an AutoCAD event, takes place in the event handler.
For example, suppose we just want to notify the user that an AutoCAD object has been appended.  We can use the AutoCAD database event “ObjectAppended” to accomplish this.  We can write our callback (event handler) as follows:
public void objAppended(object o, ObjectEventArgs e)
 // Do something here
The first argument, in this case, represents an AutoCAD database.  The second represents the ObjectEventArgs class, which may contain data that is useful to the handler.
2. Associate the event handler with an event.
In order to begin monitoring an action, we must connect our handler to the event.
At this point, the ObjectAppended event will fire when an object is added to the database.  However, our handler will not respond to it until we associate it to the event, such as:
在这里, 当一个对象加到数据库,ObjectAppended被触发,然而,我们的处理器将不作反应除非我们将它关联到事件,如下:
Database db; 
db = HostApplicationServices.WorkingDatabase;
db. ObjectAppended += new ObjectEventHandler(objAppended);
3. Disconnect the event handler.
To cease monitoring an action, we must remove the association between our handler and the event.  When we want to stop notifying the user when objects are appended, we need to remove the association between our handler and the ObjectAppended event:
db. ObjectAppended -= new ObjectEventHandler(objAppended);

Lab: Using event handlers’ to control AutoCAD behavior
The objective of Lab 7 is to demonstrate how AutoCAD events can be used to control behavior in a drawing.  In this case, let us assume that we have used the previous lab (Lab 6), to create some EMPLOYEE block references in a drawing.  We want to prevent the user from changing the position of the EMPLOYEE block reference in the drawing, without limiting the location of other (non-EMPLOYEE) block references.  We will do this through a combination of Database and Document events.
We first want to monitor AutoCAD commands as they are about to be executed (we use the CommandWillStart event).  Specifically we are watching for the MOVE command.  We also need to be notified when an object is about to be modified (using the ObjectOpenedForModify event), so we can that it is an EMPLOYEE block reference.  It would be futile to modify the object from this callback, as our change would just re-trigger the event, causing unstable behavior.  So, we will wait for the execution of the MOVE command to end (using the CommandEnded event).  This would be a safe time to modify our object.  Of course any modification to the block reference will again trigger the ObjectOpenedForModify event.  However, we will set some global variables as flags, to indicate that a MOVE command is active, and that the object being modified is an EMPLOYEE block reference.
首先我们想监控将被执行的AutoCAD命令(我们使用CommandWillStart事件),特别地我们监视Move命令,同时当一个对象将要被修改时我们需要通报(使用ObjectOpenedForModify事件) 因此我们能知道它是一个EMPLOYEE块参考,从回调函数里修改对象将是无效的,因为修改将重新触发事件,会导致不可预测行为,因此我们要等到Move命令结束(使用CommandEnded事件),这时会是修改我们对象的安全时间,当然,对块参考的任何修改同样又会触发ObjectOpenedForModify事件,但是,我们可以设置一些全局变量作为标记,去表明Move命令执行中和正在修改的对象是EMPLOYEE块参考
NOTE: Since this lab requires a considerable amount of code to produce the desired result, any code not specifically dealing with reactors is provided, so as to be pasted into the event handlers.  The emphasis at this time is on the successful creation of the event handlers and their registration.
Setup the new project
Begin with the solved Lab6 project.  Add a new class AsdkClass2.  We will need to add four global variables.  The first two are of type Boolean: one to indicate that our monitored command is active, and one to indicate that the ObjectOpenedForModify handler should be bypassed.
//Global variables 
bool bEditCommand;
bool bDoRepositioning; 
Next, we declare a global variable which represents an ObjectIdCollection.  This will hold the ObjectIDs of the objects we have selected to modify. 
ObjectIdCollection changedObjects = new ObjectIdCollection();
Finally, we declare a global variable which represents a Point3dCollection.  This collection contains the position (3dPoint) of our selected objects.
 Point3dCollection employeePositions = new Point3dCollection();
Create the first Document event handler (callback)
Now we must create an event handler which notifies us when an AutoCAD command is about to start.  We should check that the GlobalCommandName = MOVE
if ( e.GlobalCommandName == "MOVE" )
If the MOVE command is about to start, we need to set our Boolean variable bEditCommand accordingly, so we know that our monitored command is active.  Likewise, we should set our other Boolean variable bDoRepositioning to NOT bypass the ObjectOpenedForModify event handler at this time.  After all, it is during this period, while the command is active, that we must acquire information about our selected block references.
At this time, we should also clear any contents from our two Collection objects.  We are only concerned with the currently-selected object.
Create the Database event handler (callback)
This event handler will be called whenever an object has been opened for modification.  Of course, if our monitored command is not active at this time, we should bypass any further processing done by this callback:
if ( bEditCommand == false )
Similarly, if our monitored command has ended, and the ObjectOpenedForModify event is re-triggered by some action taken in another callback, we want to prevent any subsequent executions of this callback while the object is being modified:  
同样的,如果我们监控的命令已经结束, 同时ObjectOpenedForModify事件被另外的回调函数触发,我们需要防止这个回调函数在对象修改过程中的并发执行
if ( bDoRepositioning == true )
The remainder off the code in this callback is used to validate that we are indeed processing an EMPLOYEE block reference.  If so, we collect its ObjectID and its Position (3dPoint).  The following code can be pasted into this event handler:
public void objOpenedForMod(object o, ObjectEventArgs e)
 if ( bEditCommand == false )
 if ( bDoRepositioning == true )

 ObjectId objId;
 objId = e.DBObject.ObjectId;

 Transaction  trans; 
 Database  db; 
 db = HostApplicationServices.WorkingDatabase;

 trans = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction();

 using(Entity ent  = (Entity)trans.GetObject(objId, OpenMode.ForRead, false))
  if ( ent.GetType().FullName.Equals( "Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.BlockReference" ) )
             //We use .NET//s RTTI to establish type.
      BlockReference br   = (BlockReference)ent;
      //Test whether it is an employee block
             //open its extension dictionary
     if ( br.ExtensionDictionary.IsValid )
   using(DBDictionary brExtDict  = (DBDictionary)trans.GetObject(br.ExtensionDictionary, OpenMode.ForRead))
    if ( brExtDict.GetAt("EmployeeData").IsValid )
  //successfully got "EmployeeData" so br is employee block ref
  //Store the objectID and the position
    //Get the attribute references,if any
     AttributeCollection atts; 
     atts = br.AttributeCollection;
     if ( atts.Count > 0 )
      foreach(ObjectId attId in atts )
       AttributeReference att;
       using(att = (AttributeReference)trans.GetObject(attId, OpenMode.ForRead, false))
        changedObjects.Add(attId);                                                          employeePositions.Add(att.Position);

Create the second Document event handler (callback)
The third event handler is called when a command ends.  Again, we check our global variable to verify that it is our monitored command that is ending.  If so, we can reset the variable now:
if ( bEditCommand == false )
bEditCommand = false;
Actions taken by this callback will re-trigger the ObjectOpenedForModify event.  We must ensure that we bypass any action in the callback for that event:
//Set flag to bypass OpenedForModify handler
bDoRepositioning = true;
The remainder off the code in this callback is used to compare the current (modified) positions of an EMPLOYEE block reference and its associated attribute reference to their original positions.  If the positions have changed, we reset them to the original positions during his callback.  The following code can be pasted into this event handler:
public void cmdEnded(object o  , CommandEventArgs e)
 //Was our monitored command active?
 if ( bEditCommand == false )
  bEditCommand = false;
 //Set flag to bypass OpenedForModify handler
 bDoRepositioning = true;
  Database db   = HostApplicationServices.WorkingDatabase;
 Transaction trans ;
 BlockTable bt; 
 Point3d oldpos; 
 Point3d newpos; 
 int i ;
 for ( i = 0; i< changedObjects.Count; i++)
  trans = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction();
  using(bt = (BlockTable)trans.GetObject(db.BlockTableId, OpenMode.ForRead))
   using(Entity ent = (Entity)trans.GetObject(changedObjects[i], OpenMode.ForWrite))
    if ( ent.GetType().FullName.Equals("Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.BlockReference") )
                            //We use .NET//s RTTI to establish type.
     BlockReference br = (BlockReference)ent;
     newpos = br.Position;
     oldpos = employeePositions[i];
     //Reset blockref position
     if ( !oldpos.Equals(newpos) )
      using( trans.GetObject(br.ObjectId, OpenMode.ForWrite) )
       br.Position = oldpos;
    else if ( ent.GetType().FullName.Equals("Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.AttributeReference") )
     AttributeReference att = (AttributeReference)ent;
     newpos = att.Position;
     oldpos = employeePositions[i];
     //Reset attref position
     if ( !oldpos.Equals(newpos) )
      using( trans.GetObject(att.ObjectId, OpenMode.ForWrite))
       att.Position = oldpos;

Create the commands to register/disconnect the event handlers
Create a command ADDEVENTS, which uses += statements to associate each of the three event handlers to the events.  During this command, we should also set our global Boolean variables:
bEditCommand = false;
bDoRepositioning = false;
Create another command REMOVEEVENTS, using -= statements to disconnect our event handlers from the events. 
Test the project
To test this project, Create one or more EMPLOYEE block references, using the CREATE command.  For comparison, also insert some non-EMPLOYEE block references, if you like.
Execute the ADDEVENTS command by typing it into the command window. 
Execute the MOVE command at the command window, and select as many block references as you want.  Note that when the MOVE command ends, the EMPLOYEE block references (and attributes) retain their original positions. 
从命令行执行MOVE命令,你想多少就选择多少块参考,注意,当MOVE结束时, EMPLOYEE块参考(和特性)停留在原来的位置
Execute the REMOVEEVENTS command, and try the MOVE command again.  Note that the EMPLOYEE block references can now be moved.
Extra credit:  Add an additional callback which is triggered when the EMPLOYEE block reference “Name” attribute has been changed by the user.






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