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分享 《AutoCAD .NET开发指南2012版》翻译整理已完成,欢迎大家下载!
2014-2-8 11:09
本开发指南根据 AutoDesk 公司网站上的 AutoCAD .NET Developer's Guide 2012 版翻译整理。 原始文档网址为: http://exchange.autodesk.com/autocad/enu/online-help/browse#WS73099cc142f48755a52158612bd434e551-7fd5.htm 。 主要内容包括 AutoCAD .NET API 介绍、 ...
个人分类: AutoCAD .NET DevelopGuide翻译|1217 次阅读|0 个评论 热度 2
分享 Access the AutoCAD Command Line 访问AutoCAD命令行
2011-7-13 16:54
Access the AutoCAD Command Line 访问 AutoCAD 命令行 You can send commands directly to the AutoCAD command line by using the SendStringToExecute method. The SendStringToExecute method sends a single string to the command line. The string must contain the arguments to the ...
个人分类: AutoCAD .NET DevelopGuide翻译|2530 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 AutoCAD .NET API组件
2011-6-30 08:14
Components of the AutoCAD .NET API AutoCAD .NET API 组件 The AutoCAD .NET API is made up of different DLL files that contain a wide range of classes, structures, methods, and events that provide access to objects in a drawing file or the AutoCAD application. Each DLL file defines d ...
个人分类: AutoCAD .NET DevelopGuide翻译|1218 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 AutoCAD .NET API 概述
2011-6-30 08:10
Overview of the AutoCAD .NET API AutoCAD .NET API 概述 The AutoCAD .NET API enables you to manipulate AutoCAD and drawing files programmatically with the assemblies or libraries that are exposed. With these objects exposed, they can be accessed by many different programming langua ...
个人分类: AutoCAD .NET DevelopGuide翻译|1154 次阅读|0 个评论 热度 1

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