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关于vb6创建的active dll文件在64位win 7系统上注册

已有 1105 次阅读2014-1-24 16:48 |系统分类:应用| active

由于vb6创建的是32位的 dll文件,百度找到如下方法 注册成功
windowsdllcommandsystemdialogextension it won't work for you unless you have some form of Visual Basic tools loaded on your system : COMDLG32.OCX : Common Dialog 
-- this allows you to use code to open up a dialog box ,
 select a file , and the commit that file....
 then some more code will actually run the regsvr32.exe :
 1. Skip this Helper from above
 2. put your DLL file into c:\windows\system 
3. go to RUN or command promt and type : Regsver32.exe c:\windows\system\ Example : Regsver32.exe c:\windows\system\gif89.dll 
 4. that's it 
 5. Windows XP will work
 6. Windows 
7 is a differnt beasty (writting 32bit DLL to 64 Windows7) - place the DLL in the c:\windows\sysWOW64 folder
 - go to accessories and Command Prompt - log on command proimpt as Administrator - from command prompt write full pathway 
- example : c:\windows\sysWOW64\Regsver32.exe c:\windows\sysWOW64\gif89.dll 
 ELSE : 
- be sure to Unregister your half register attempts
 - place an /u inbetween the regsvr32 & the file 
- example : Regsver32.exe /u c:\windows\system\gif89.dll. .
 LAST : - It may be that in the even though you register your DLL
 - your 64-bit program active x controls on your 64-bit computer cannot run the 32-bit DLL anyway







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